Valley Vending 8
Ball Rules
1. OBJECT OF THE GAME. Eight Ball is a call shot game played with a cue ball and fifteen
object balls, numbered 1 through 15. One player must pocket balls of the group
numbered 1 through 7 (solid colors), while the other player has 9 thru 15
CALL SHOT. In Call Shot, obvious balls and pockets do
not have to be indicated. It is the opponent's right to ask which ball and
pocket if he is unsure of the shot. Bank shots and combination shots are not
considered obvious, and care should be taken in calling both the object ball
and the intended pocket (If a bank or combination is made without being called
it is an illegal shot). When calling the shot, it is NEVER necessary to indicate details such as the number of cushions,
banks, kisses, caroms, etc. Any balls pocketed on a foul remain pocketed,
regardless of whether they belong to the shooter or the opponent. The opening
break is not a "called shot." Any player performing a break shot in
8-Ball may continue to shoot his next shot so long as he has legally pocketed
any object ball on the break.
RACKING THE BALLS. The balls are racked in a triangle at the
foot of the table with the 8-ball in the Center of the triangle, the first ball
of the rack on the foot spot, a stripe ball in one comer of the rack and a
solid ball in the other corner.
SHOT FOUL. It will be considered a cue ball foul if during an attempt to
curve or masse the cue ball around an impeding numbered ball that is not a
legal object ball, the impeding ball moves (regardless of whether it was moved
by a hand, cue stick follow-through or bridge). Jump shots are
TOUCH FOUL. Touching, moving or changing the path of any object
ball in any other way than normal ball-to-ball contact during a shot or between
shots is a foul. It is the same with the cue ball unless it is a ball in
hand or a normal tip-to-ball contact of a shot. The shooter is not allowed
to touch the cue ball with any other thing than the cue tip. Doing this
accidentally or intentionally will also result in a foul.
BREAK SHOT. The breaker (with the cue ball behind the
head string) must either (1) pocket a ball, or (2) drive at least four numbered
balls to the rail. If he fails to make a legal break, it is a foul, and the incoming
player has the option of (1) accepting the table in position and shooting, or
(2) having the balls re-racked and having the option of shooting the opening
break himself or allowing the offending player to re-break. The choice of
stripes or solids is not determined on the break even if balls are made from
only one or both groups. The choice of group is determined only when a player
legally pockets a object
ball after the break shot.
SCRATCH ON A LEGAL BREAK. If a player scratches on a legal break shot,
(1) all balls pocketed remain pocketed, (2) it is a foul, (3) the table is
PLEASE NOTE: Incoming player has cue ball in hand behind the head string and
may not shoot an object ball that is behind the head string, unless he first
shoots the cue ball past the head string and causes the cue ball to come back
behind the head string and hit the object ball.
THE BREAK. If a player
jumps an object ball off the table on the break shot, it is a foul and the incoming
player has the option of (1) accepting the table in position and shooting, or
(2) taking cue bail in hand behind the head string and shooting.
8-BALL POCKETED ON THE BREAK. If the 8-ball is pocketed on the break, it
counts as a win. If a scratch occurs on a break that also pockets the 8-ball,
it is loss of game.
OPEN TABLE, (Defined) The table is "open" when
the choice of groups (stripes or solids) has not yet been determined. When the
table is open and the 8-ball is the first ball contacted, no stripe or solid
may be scored in favor of the shooter. The shooter loses his turn; any balls
pocketed remain pocketed; and the incoming player addresses the balls with the
table still open. On an open table, all illegally pocketed balls remain
pocketed. The table is always open
immediately after the break shot.
CHOICE OF GROUP. (also refer to “the Break”) A player can call their intended group
by, (1) calling the group before an obvious shot, or (2) by calling their shot.
The shooter MUST contact a ball from the group called first
LEGAL SHOT. (Defined) On all shots (except on the break
and when the table is open), the shooter must hit one of his group of balls
first and (1) pocket a numbered ball, or (2) cause the cue ball or any numbered
ball to contact a rail.
PLEASE NOTE: It is permissible for the shooter to bank the cue
ball off a rail before contacting his object ball; however, after contact with
his object ball, an object ball must be pocketed, OR the cue ball or any
numbered ball must contact a rail. Failure to meet these requirements is a
SCORING. A player
is entitled to continue shooting until he fails to legally pocket a ball of his
group. After a player has legally pocketed his entire group of balls, he shoots
to pocket the 8-ball.
FOUL PENALTY. Opposing player gets cue ball in hand. This
means that the player can place the cue ball anywhere on the table (does not
have to be behind the head string except on opening break). This rule prevents
a player from making intentional fouls, which would put-his opponent at a
disadvantage. With "cue ball in hand," the player may use his hand or
any part of his cue (including the tip) to position the cue ball. When placing
the cue ball in position, any forward
stroke motion contacting the cue ball will be a foul, if not a legal shot.
COMBINATION SHOTS. Combination shots are allowed; however, the
shooter must contact “their group” first, (the 8-ball cannot be used as a first
ball in the combination).
16. ILLEGALLY POCKETED BALLS. An object ball is considered
to be illegally pocketed when (1) that object ball is pocketed on the
same shot a foul is committed, or (2) the called ball did not go in the
designated pocket.
17. OBJECT BALLS JUMPED OFF THE TABLE. If any object ball is jumped off the table,
it is a foul and loss of turn, unless it is the 8-ball, which is a loss of
game. Any jumped object balls are
PLAYING THE 8-BALL. When shooting at the 8-ball, player must call
pocket or safety, or purposely mark
the pocket with an object (ball-marker, keys, lighter, etc.) The cue ball must
contact the eight ball before any other ball & a ball must touch the rail
or be pocketed. (Not contacting the eight first or failure to drive a ball to
the rail is not loss of game; it is ball in hand for the opponent).
Additionally, not calling / marking a pocket or calling a safety results in a
ball in hand.
LOSS OF GAME. A player loses the game if he commits any of
the following infractions:
A. Fouls when pocketing the 8-ball (scratch, etc.)
B. Pockets the 8-ball on the same stroke as the
last of his group of balls.
C. Jumps the 8-ball off the table at any time.
D. Pockets the 8-ball in a pocket other than the
one designated.
E. Pockets the 8-ball when it is not the legal
object ball.
All infractions must be called before
another shot is taken, or else it will be deemed that no infraction occurred.
i.e. if you see a foul and don’t call it before the next shot is taken, it will
be treated as if no foul occurred.
Note: The shooter is the only person allowed at the
table. There is 1 exception per game per team. The shooter must ask for help
& only then, 1 person may approach the table. If someone makes a 2nd
attempt to approach during that game a verbal warning is given by opposing team
(Nicely). If person continues to table or a 3rd approach for help is made by
said team for the rest of the match it will be a ball in hand Foul for opposing